Monday, January 16, 2012

The beginning of a Journey!

Remember the famous question..."If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?" Well my answer hasn't changed much since I was a teen, its my teeth. Its one of those things that diet and exercise cannot change or else I would of attempted that New Years Resolution years ago. But the older I get the more I realize how important it is to take the plunge and do things for yourself. I have been getting the push from my general dentist since I was 20, as my jaw and bite are misaligned so I realize the issue. The crowding has made it so difficult to keep my teeth clean let alone but the bite has caused so many other issues including two root canals. The wisdom teeth are gone and I'm ready for "My Tin Grin!" :)

So here I go- start on my two year journey tomorrow! Crazy to think about, and I'm sure it will seem like an eternity - but when it's all done, it will be worth it. Two years vs. the rest of my life with the smile I've always desired. I'll try to update this each time I have an appt. with photos. I'll be glad when this is all over. :)

In preparation I feel like gummy bears and starburst are in order for dinner tonight!

Jill J Bruno, DMD, MSEd, LLC

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