Friday, February 3, 2012

Its just not so easy to brush and be done anymore...

I have recently realized how much I took brushing and flossing for granted. I used to think that 2 minutes of brushing in the morning and 2 minutes of brushing in the evening was a lot of work. But recently I realized how brushing takes me more like 8 minutes in the morning and 8 minutes in the evening with braces.  It is possible to keep your teeth clean but it definitely takes work. One of the best things I did was invest in an electric toothbrush, it alone cut down my brushing time in half and not to mention has removed a lot of the stains that I have from all the coffee I consume. Brushing has become a big part of my life. Not only do I brush twice a day I now have to carry a toothbrush in my purse for a "just in case" moment. I love a good salad but nothing like having a big piece of lettuce stuck between your two front teeth. So now every time I eat...I brush.

The next best thing...a waterpik. Now let me say this that it doesn't replace flossing but it is the next best thing. Yes flossing with braces is a lot of work in fact, I flossed last night and it took a good 20 minutes but in the end it is worth it. I make sure and actually floss with thread once a week and every other day I use the waterpik.

I didn't realize how important and time extensive cleaning my teeth would be with braces but one thing I realized is that in the end it will all be worth it.

 February is American Heart Month. It's true- a healthy mouth equals a healthy heart!

I went with the Sonicare and love it! 
Have the various speeds is great for people with sensitive teeth such as myself.
Sonicare water/air flosser its great and actually kind of fun to do! 
A bit addicting!

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