Friday, February 24, 2012

Smile in the morning and get it over with!

So its been right at a month since I've had the braces and things just keep getting better. I still have the fear of photos but really the best thing has been just to embrace them and enjoy the whole process. I will say that I love how people will tell me, "it sure takes a confident woman to be able to wear braces and still smile daily." The truth is that its not so easy but the pro's over weigh the con's.
It amazes me when people tell me that they can tell that my teeth have shifted. I know that they have changed significantly but when others can tell it reminds me why I am going through the whole thing. I actually have a great list of the best things that I have heard since braces my favorite was when someone said to me "did you do something different, did you get your hair colored?"

Life does change with braces, the little things like going out to eat isn't so easy anymore. I used to be able to eat on the run now I have to make sure to carry a toothbrush for a quick brush after I eat anything.

But in the's always worth it. So smile everyday embrace that you are the confident person you know you are and show the world that tin grin!

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